Thursday, September 3, 2020

Case Of Organizational Behavior Samples †

Question: Examine about the Case Of Organizational Behavior. Answer: Presentation In an expansive sense, authoritative conduct alludes to the investigation of how human people interface or carry on inside a gathering. These examinations are directed widely to see how to all the more likely incorporate the workers and maintain a business all the more effectively. At the center of this field of study lies that logical methodology can profit an association through better dealing with the laborers and, subsequently, ensuring the people work all the more durably and as a solitary unit. Authoritative conduct might be approximately depicted as the way toward comprehension and foreseeing of human conduct as a gathering part or as a person so as to oversee and amplify their yield inside an association. Hierarchical conduct additionally examines the social attributes or examples people show to each other inside the authoritative circle. The impacts of these connections are additionally concentrated top to bottom. Hierarchical conduct is the investigation of each social part s of a person who is a piece of a greater association, the interface of at least two people, or between the individual and the association or of the association itself. Authoritative culture is the absolute most significant angle and boundary that concludes in what capacity will the exhibition of the representatives be as people or an entire gathering. Also, authoritative culture is the conglomerating heap of the suspicions, values, moral contemplations, philosophies and other hierarchical boundaries that conclude how might an individual or a gathering inside the association carry on while their cooperations and interfaces among themselves and the association or among themselves (Alvesson and Sveningsson 2015). These boundaries all have significant and broad impacts upon people and tweak their personal conduct standards, direct how they dress or go about as a part or part of the association. Authoritative culture likewise frequently sets the bar that chooses and gauges in what capacity will the presentation of the individual and the gathering is (Alvesson 2016). Each and every association has unmistakable and noticeable hierarchical culture that cha nges from one another and are remarkable in its temperament. These hierarchical culture are created over days and are kept up enthusiastically to maintain the authoritative notoriety inside the business. This notoriety is perhaps the greatest quality for guaranteeing a fruitful business (Ehrhart and Kuenzi 2017). Authoritative culture is essentially an exceptionally fundamental however in general rule or limits regarding by what method should the representatives act while speaking to the organization. Authoritative culture is the unification of the qualities, morals and standard of conduct of the workers that make up the extraordinary condition for every association (Ostroff and Schulte 2014). While these practices are regularly direct and are truly obvious, it is additionally frequently the case that these are installed mentally. The very center convictions and qualities are exemplified by the conduct of the association and, now and again, the representatives also. The overseeing s pecialists are the ones who conclude how might the representatives carry on inside the association. Association culture streams down from the senior specialists to the representatives and not the opposite way around (Ashkanasy and Dorris 2017). Significance Likewise named corporate culture, authoritative culture is reflected through a couple of essential elements of the organization. It is the rules and expansive ways through which an association capacities and works its business: how does the association treats and interfaces with its clients and representatives just as how can it serve or helps the more extensive social networks (Bortolotti, Boscari and Danese 2015). Hierarchical culture chooses how much opportunity is given to the representatives to have contributions about the activities of the organization and what commitments do they have in the dynamic procedure, giving new plans to improvement and advantage of the association or how much mercy is endured for p3ersonal articulation. The progressive development, the progression of intensity and how free streaming is data inside the association are completely chosen by the authoritative culture and work ethics(Barbera 2014). The hierarchical objectives and purposes request the repr esentatives to accept and be focused on them and authoritative culture plays a crucial and definitive job in this: the association must have the option to cause the representatives to feel invited and an important piece of the association so they need to work for the businesses and help them to satisfy the targets that were set out with in any case of beginning the organization (Glisson 2015). On the off chance that the representatives are caused to feel they are significant and they comprehend that the organization is taking their consideration, they will themselves deal with the clients. The entire working of the organization will be a lot of smoother and the more significant position authority need not be legitimately engaged with the communication with the clients, rather, they can be centered more around other additionally squeezing issues. Client care and administrations, post deals administrations, item quality are largely results or potentially molded by hierarchical culture (Hogan, S.J. also, Coote, L.V., 2014). Another significant part of maintaining a business in the cutting edge world is its ecological side. Each business, industry or association must comply with the principles and prerequisites to secure the earth and diminish the procedure of an Earth-wide temperature boost. A solid and moral hierarchical culture assists with ensuring that associations remember this and not cause any damage to the planet (Dubey et al. 2017). For all intents and purposes each and every progression of the activities of an association is affected by the hierarchical culture: in what capacity will the possibility of another item or administration be imagined and formed, in what capacity will the promoting strategies be arranged, how to arrive at the likely clients and how to enter the market (Uzkurt et al. 2013). Authoritative culture sets aside a ton of effort to accomplish and once settled, it is so engaged with each activity of the association that it turns out to be practically difficult to change. That is the reason associations must be cautious from the earliest starting point, having a brief and firm thought regarding what they need to accomplish through the business, for example the thought processes of the organization (Kangas et al. 2016). Representatives and clients must have the option to relate to the authoritative business activities or objectives on the off chance that they either need to work there or purchas e the items or the administrations of a specific organization. Attributes Hierarchical culture is characterized as a development of a state inside an association that is profoundly perplexing and is boundless. This state results from a couple of straightforward fixings, however the ultimate result is distinctive for each association. There are three boundaries inside an association that can be controlled, directed and dealt with: the representatives, the work and the clients. These are the three essential mainstays of any association and each and every activity is executed and arranged with center around any, or every one of the, three of these. Authoritative culture is quite often exceptionally affected by territorial societies (Modaff, Butler and DeWine 2016). The convictions and standards of various social network shape how an association will carry on, treat its clients and workers. These convictions and qualities are somewhere inside the aggregate social attitude, and it is just normal that these will be a portion of the essential things to choose wha t will be the tasks of the association. Creation and foundation The production of any hierarchical culture is needy upon the convictions and estimations of its pioneers. Working environment culture is altogether made by the pioneers as they are the ones with a legitimate thought regarding what can anyone do the genuine intentions of the association (Asgary and Li 2016). Be that as it may, it isn't the last main factor: while the vast majority of the occasions chiefs do shape the hierarchical culture, there are likewise times when authoritative culture additionally chooses what sort of an initiative is conceivable, or in what manner will the pioneers act him/herself. A set up culture impacts and shapes a pioneer the same amount of as it being affected by the pioneer (Fullan 2014). A viable authoritative culture chooses and oversees the mindset and conduct of the workers and the position that will guarantee the representatives arriving at their objectives while sticking to the aggregate inspirations. At the point when a representative feels that sh e or he is being helped and caused by the pioneer to satisfy their own objective, work fulfillment additionally shows signs of improvement and this, thus, pushes the representatives to work significantly harder. While a solid authoritative culture will help the representatives during the time spent accomplishing its objectives and become together, a feeble one will have interruptions in the work and elements of the association. Be that as it may, if singular workers are viewed as to be a higher priority than the association itself, continuing the tasks and endeavoring towards the hierarchical objectives may get troublesome as the organization will make some extreme memories attempting to adjust the needs (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The market direction and culture of an association must be engaged at creating a benefit and ought to rotate around results. Rivalry inside an industry must be stayed aware of, if the association wishes to remain in the game and continue creating a benefit. Having a versatile culture can help associations enormously. This implies a comprehensive work culture where all the representatives are remembered for the dynamic procedure of the organization. A versatile or comprehensive work culture guarantees that the organization y will get by through time, essentially on the grounds that it will have all the representatives taking care of its inclinations. An adaptable work culture is dyn amic in nature and are engaged upon chance taking and development (Glisson 2015). Force culture inside an association concludes how might data stream inside the association among the various offices. It

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Marhsal Field :: essays research papers fc

Marshal Field The senior Marshall Field viewed himself as the â€Å"Chief Apostle of the American Way,† he encapsulated the American Dream by getting one of America’s first clothes to newfound wealth stories in the modern blast of both the pre-Antebellum and post-Antebellum periods. Marshall Field was brought up as an unassuming ranch kid and turned out to be maybe the best businessperson this nation has ever had. Field took in his hard working attitude as a little youngster by direct case of his dad, who began working two hours before dawn and halted two hours after. When Marshall could walk, he was dealing with the family ranch. At six years old, he took a crack at region school just throughout the winter months when ranch work was rare. He proceeded with these lines of life until the age of fifteen, when the Field family had to quit working their ranch because of a street conclusion. As of now it was concluded that since Marshall was the most youthful child and didn't fit the bill for of the domain property, that he would need to go out and acquire his own living. His dad being companions with the neighborhood dry products (general storekeeper made sure about Marshall a clerking work in the dry merchandise store. Incidentally, Marshall was terminated from that equivalent employment following fourteen days. At the point when the dad asked what had happened the proprietor disclosed to him that your child has no future in the dry products market and he ought to be kept at home on the homestead where he has a place. Marshall Field at that point started functioning as a recruited hand on his brother’s ranch. Following two years of being his brother’s worker, he moved to Pittsfield, Massachusetts with his other sibling. His sibling had made sure about Marshall a vocation at the Deacon-H.G. Davis dry products store. There his first year compensation was a measly $400. Be that as it may, he had the option to spare 200 of this by resting in the store. When of the 1857 frenzy, Marshall had modernized Deacon’s credit arrangements; along these lines Deacon was not financially harmed by the frenzy. By modernizing Deacon’s credit programs Field had the option to safeguard the store’s future by making credit more enthusiastically to achieve, by shortening the measure of time clients needed to reimburse the store. Due to some impulsive professional interactions the store’s proprietors had been engaged with, the store was rearranged into Cooley, Farwell and Company. Marshall Field was then granted an organization as far as concerns him in sparing the store from the Panic.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Thinking Back Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Recollecting - Essay Example beside being measured on an individualized exhibition scale, representatives who are viable as gathering individuals are generally properly recognized and in the long run, the praiseworthy presentation of extraordinary individuals make ready for advancements into authority and administrative positions. Given these, the accompanying inquiries are therefore tended to: 1. What practices in the group were fruitful? The watched practices that were showed to produce fruitful cooperation are: coordinated effort, cohesiveness, successful correspondence, acknowledgment of a viable pioneer †follow relationship, recognizing the need to achieve a typical gathering objective. 2. Portray one of the phases of group improvement for the circumstance. There are really various stages in group improvement as uncovered by Stein: shaping, raging, norming, performing, and finishing or ending (Stein, n.d.). One significant stage is the framing stage where individuals become more acquainted with one another, share foundations and data that are esteemed fundamental for the achievement of anticipated undertakings. Moreover, during this stage, individuals get the opportunity to appoint jobs and duties to empower them to configuration proper methodologies towards accomplishing their characterized exercises on an all the more deliberate and organized way. Beside information being shared, individuals get the opportunity to be situated on the aptitudes and capacities of individuals which would add to the accomplishment of gathering objectives. 3. Portray the sort of association in this group. During the shaping stage, the kind of association is as yet being gradually settled as individuals have not yet chosen their jobs, duties and in affirming how the characterized objectives would be accomplished. Notwithstanding, through recognizable proof of jobs and doling out obligations, a feeling of reliance is being set up to guarantee that every part evenhandedly and fairly moves in the direction of performing, as arranged. 4. Depict the team’s cohesiveness. Did the cohesiveness identify with the team’s execution? As indicated by Martires

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Are Transport, Distribution and Logistics in Mainland China Efficient - Free Essay Example

Are transport, distribution and logistics in mainland China efficient? Victoria University China. Currently the worlds manufacturing plant, and is constantly growing. Chinas main export destinations are the United States, the European Union, Hong Kong, and Japan which accounts for 68% of export value. In the last decade Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s booming economy has greatly benefited from globalization and trade liberation. With such a huge amount of productà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s being manufactured in China, it brings to concern how these products are getting out of China. Is Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s transport, logistics and distribution systems efficient? Chinas logistics first started off with the three-tier distribution system, this distribution model used the top down approach. Under this distribution model, only state owned wholesalers were allowed to provide logistics services. The three major hubs for tier-1 distribution centres were located in Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Tier-2 distribution centres were typically located in Provence capitals, this tier mainly dealt with distribution to major urban areas, storage and transportation. Tire-3 operate in smaller cities and towns, they provided additional storage and final delivery location. When a product reaches tier-1 loca tions it then flows down each tier until tier-3 in which the product is then delivered to the business or customer. Amongst this tier system, there were no competitive motives; the performance of the system was measured in terms of the fulfilment of the central administration goals as well as arrangement with political interests. Today China has liberated the three tier system, the state still takes part in state owned enterprises, but limit the partition of privately owned companies were allowed and encourages (Luk Sherriff, 1998). The impact of a products being delayed can be a problem, delays can be associated with the image of the company, and having an order delayed can cause negative reputation with supplier. In terms of exporters in relation to delays, in some cases they would need to offer price discounts, rebates, or maybe penalised. Longer delays may even lead to cancelations of orders, the return of cargo, which can cause major logistical problems at port, and may als o disrupt the supplierà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cash flow. The rail network in China is vast; however it is still not capable of easing congestion on highways. There is still a shortage or rail way networks in China. The rail system has been primarily used to server as a means of transporting build material such as coal, steel and iron additionally the rails system has also been used to transport iron ore, coal and other taw materials. China rail has not proved viable for finished goods and industrial products to long booking times and delays. During 2005 less than 1% of containers were moved by rail, during this time container trucks were the dominant transport mode for freight. Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s manufacturing is moving more inland and ports are becoming more congested. China plants to solve this by increasing their rail logistics by introducing eighteen inland railway logistics hub. (Mongelluzzo, 2007). China is still growing at an alarming rate, and Chinas infrastructure i s still not capable of coping with the huge demand generated by its economy. Compared to other countered, the efficiency of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s logistical industry is still low compared to the ratio of logistics expenditure to GDP. Furthermore the addition of packing, transport, storage and Damage, the ratio of logistics coast to total manufacturing range from 40% to 60%, where in other developed nations this can be close to 20%. IF logistics costs are broken down, transport accounts for a substantial 57% of costs of inventory. This indicates transporting costs in China can be more than double that of a developed country. (Johnson, 2007). Most of Chinas warehouse were built as single story buildings, these structures had low celling, poor lightning, and inadequate temperature control this then lead to food and perishables to spoil. Additional there were also unskilled managements in place. Manual labour is still heavily utilised in China given its abundance and given that it à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cheaper to hire someone instead of using technology to facilitate the temperature, in this circumstance. Automation in warehousing is rare most of order placements and retrieval is done manually, which can lead to errors being made. China churns out a lot of products for a lot of companies and countries, the main and in some instances the only way of getting a product out of China is thought its ports. Almost 90% of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s international trade is handles though maritime transport. This called for major investments in port infrastructure, and intense competition had led to extremity efficient ports that are in some instances better than some European and North American Ports. Despite Chinese ports being so efficient, they are still affected by bureaucratic customs procedures and in some cases low customer service. Companies which are located close to Ports are less affected by the inefficient transport and logistics mentioned before (Culliane, 2004). China understands this massive foreign investment and the Chinese government is always expanding. Since 2000 major transport infrastructure has been built, including 250,000 kilometres of highways and 24,700 kilometres of express way, at the end of 2006 the total length of Chinese highway had reached 3,457,000 kilometreà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and 77,00 kilometres of railway (Waters, 2007). Additionally China has kept improving their infrastructure since 2006. Completion of 14 expressways including one from Beijing to Hong Kong and Macao, six new additional railways for passengers transport, including one between Beijing and Shanghai, inner city rails from Beijing to Tianjin and the upgrading of five existing railways including one between Datong and Qinhuangdao, dredging of deep water channels at the mouth of the Yangtze river, more dredging at the mouth of the Pearl River to the sea, and channel dredging in the Yangtze and pearl river valleys as well as the Beijing-Hangzhou c anal. Furthermore an addition of ten new airports were constructed, such are those in Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou. New pipelines and railroads infrastructure for transportations of iron ore, coal, imported crude oil and container at twelve seaports, including those at Shanghai, Dalian and Tianjin ports. New coal transit and storage points in eastern China. All of these major infrastructure improvements were done between 2006 and 2010. (CGOWP, 2006) Chinas infrastructure, for transportation and logistics were lacking behind in the early 2000à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and late 1999à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s however with the current rate at which china is improving their infrastructure ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s no doubt China will improve their transport, distribution and logistics in the future. The growth in port capacity has kept pace with demand and is not seen as a major bottleneck besides the regulations of customs. The development of rail network and improvements with dredging in major ri ver arteries can dramatically improve the efficiency of moving items. Major companies which are located inland from chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s coast are suffering in getting their products to ports; however costal companies which are located near ports donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t have this problem. However costal real-estate is becoming more expensive and companies are being forced inland additionally some companies operate in both locations which need items from inland manufacturing facilities to be transported to costal manufacturing plants, so improvements in rail network will ease this problem and will give more confidence for new companies to move inland (Luo et al., 2014). In terms of recommendations, I would recommend China to continue growing, and improve their infrastructure, however many foreign countries might see this as a problem due to human rights. When China wants to construct a highway, they just relocate people and build it, without the publicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s opinio n taken into consideration. A prime example of this happening was when the Chinese government decided to solve their power shortage, and build a dam on the Yangtze River. Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro power dam in the world, capable of generating 98.8 TWh of power per year. When upon competition thousands of people were forced to move elsewhere. Additional upon full capacity of the dam hundreds of acres of land were destroyed by the water (Y et al., 2015). Bibliography B.Y.P., L., D, W. , 2014. Changing landscapes of transport and logistics in China. CGOWP, 2006. Chinas Key Transport Infrastructure Projects. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2015]. Culliane, K..F.W.T..C.S., 2004. Container Terminal Development in Mainland China. Transport Reviews, p.24. Luk Sherriff, T., 1998. Structural Changes in Chinas Distribution System. International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management, pp.28, 44. Luo, X., Zhu, N. Zou , H.-F., 2014. Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s lagging region development and targeted transportation infrastructure investments. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development., 2002. Transport logistics shared solutions to common challenges. Paris, France: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Y, Y. et al., 2015. Concentrations, distribution, sources, and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in agricultural topsoil of the Three Gorges Dam region, China. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dylan Moonsamys4082152Victoria University

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay - 1252 Words

The play Hamlet is without a doubt one of the most famous pieces of literature in history. William Shakespeare beautifully crafts the play in a way that captivates his audience’s attention and causes them to reflect upon their own livelihood. Shakespeare includes many different occurring themes throughout the story, which he uses to show the consequences of human desires. One of these reoccurring themes that dictate the outcome of the play is the desire of revenge, which will ultimately lead an individual down a path of destruction. Shakespeare places this desire in the heart of the two different characters and shows how detrimental an outcome may become because of this corrupt desire. This desire for revenge consumes the characters in a way that makes their decision-making unreasonable and brings more chaos to the situation. These character’s decisions not only impact themselves, but also impact those around them in a substantial way. Characters such as Hamlet and Laer tes have little concern of those around them as they seek to bring themselves comfort during their time of suffering. One may also observe the suffering revenge inflicts to those who are not even involved in the original situation. The first character inflicted with this desire of revenge is no other than the main character Hamlet himself, who begins to develop an enmity towards those around him. Once Hamlet comes face to face with the ghost of his deceased father, he is promptly influenced to seek vengeanceShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare880 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is praised as the pioneering English poet and playwright whose collection of theatrical works is regarded as the greatest artistic value throughout the history of English literature. Shakespeare delved into the spiritual and mental component of humanity and the consequences that arise from this human spirit when it is disputed. The most famous revenge tragedy play, Hamlet, is an excellent illustration of Shakespeare’s philosophical study of human nature. In Hamlet, the arguableRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare899 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare, author of Hamlet, was a well-known author in the 1500s and is still popular today. He was born on April 24, 1564 in London, England. Although there were no birth records at that time, it shows he was baptized one year prior to that, which leads us to believe his birthday was in 1564 because children were normally baptized a year after their birth. Shakespeare’s writing style was very different than others at that time. He used many metaphors and rhetorical phrases, and most ofRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare996 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet, written by William Shakespeare, with out a doubt holds the most famous soliloquy in English history spoken by Hamlet in Act III, scene i, lines 57-90. This soliloquy holds much importance to the play as a whole because it ties together the reoccurring t hemes of suicide and Hamlet’s inaction portrayed by Shakespeare. Hamlet poses a problem, which is the driving force of the play: â€Å"To be or not to be?†(III.i.57). Shakespeare uses this logical question asked by Hamlet to drive out his underlyingRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1178 Words   |  5 Pages In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the protagonist suffers from struggles with major characters, especially with the women in his life. While reading the play Hamlet, Hamlet appears to be a disillusioned man. Throughout the play, Shakespeare has only casted two females: Gertrude and Ophelia. Gertrude is defined to be incestuous, naà ¯ve and cold-hearted. On the other side, Ophelia is characterized to be ignorant, innocent and fearful. After the quick marriage of his mother and evil uncle, Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1308 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet is arguably one of the greatest tragedies in all of literature and when most people think of tragic plays, they think of none other than the one who wrote it, William Shakespeare. This classic story of revenge excites it’s readers with its main character, Prince Hamlet, who goes through the unique human-like process of revenge that is often overlooked. Many other stories rely heavily on the logi c of good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things just for the sake of their natureRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. The main character, Hamlet, finds himself questioning the quality of life and the uncertainty of the afterlife once he discovers news of his father s death and the corruption in the kingdom that follows. Ophelia, Hamlet’s lover, is found dead later in the plot and is presumed to have committed suicide. In Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1146 Words   |  5 PagesA character so complex, enticing and fascinating, his name is Hamlet. We are all Hamlet, and that, is the argument. Hamlet is an enigmatic character with many flaws. These flaws are the ones that prove similarities between us and him. A play so popular and significant is due to its huge relevance to us as a society. In the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses Hamlet’s character and metaphor to demonstrate that when one is left alone to their thoughts, these thoughts overtake reason. ConsequentlyRead MoreHamlet by William Shakespeare1456 Words   |  6 PagesThe play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, takes place in a time where the impossible was a part of the lives of everyday people. Occurrences that people in the modern time would believe unbelievable. Yet, with just a quill and parchment Shakespeare’s is able to connect the past and present by weaving a plot with skill that is still unparalleled to this day. The play Hamlet this exceeds this expectation by revealing depth of Hamlets, the protagonists, character personality through the useRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1920 Words   |  8 PagesIn the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character Hamlet must deal with both external and internal conflict. Hamlet encounters many struggles and has trouble finding a way to deal with them. With so many corrupt people in his life, Hamlet feels as if there is no one that he can trust and begins to isolate himself from others. A result from this isolation leads Hamlet to become melancholy. Hamlet struggles with suicidal thoughts, wants to kill King Claudius, and is distraught over his mother’sRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare846 Words   |  4 Pagesalways been a contemplative topic. In Hamlet, the main character Hamlet thinks to himself about suicide. Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet between 1599 and 1602. William Shakespeare is one of the greatest playwrights in history. Hamlet is about Prince Hamlet of Denmark who is trying to find out about the death of his father after his father s ‘ghost’ comes to him telling him it was his uncle who had killed him. While Hamlet contemplates suicide he gives his famous

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Bram Stokers Dracula - 2059 Words

Voluptuous Vampire or Proper Prude Written and set in the late 19th century, Bram Stoker’s epistolary novel Dracula is a pivotal book in gothic/horror literature. Like most novels written by men, Dracula appeals more to the male audience and their fantasies and fears about women than to the Victorian Age woman. In the novel, Lucy and Mina are the only two female characters the reader meets in detail, and they are also the only two characters that are seen becoming vampires – indeed, they are the only major vampire characters, with the exception of the chief antagonist, who are described in detail within the novel. Therefore it is clear that these two play a very important role in representing females in the novel. Both characters are also†¦show more content†¦This can be seen when Van Helsing comments about Mina, â€Å"She is one of God s women, fashioned by His own hand to show us men and other women that there is a heaven where we can enter, and that its light can be here on earth. So true, s o sweet, so noble, so little an egoist—and that, let me tell you, is much in this age†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( 197 ). The fact that Stoker has chosen to include such an important contrast between the two major characters so early in the novel suggests that it will play an important part in the narrative. The reader later learns that this difference is essential to the plot, as it is only Mina’s purity and innocence that allows the group to defeat Dracula at the end of the novel, and ultimately saves Mina from Lucy’s fate. Lucy’s part in the novel may be relatively short, yet her role is essential to the audience’s understanding of the novel’s message about female roles and female sexuality in Victorian society since she is the first victim of Count Dracula. At the same time, Lucy is the only character whose transformation into a vampire Stoker describes in detail: At times she slept, and both Van Helsing and I noticed the difference in her, between sleeping and waking. Whilst asleep she looked stronger, although more haggard and her breathing was softer; her open mouth showed the paleShow MoreRelatedPsychoanalytical Analysis of Bram Stokers Dracula1790 Words   |  8 PagesCarlos Dena Honors English 11 5/20/13 Critical Analysis on Dracula With several illicit subjects listed throughout Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the book becomes a playground for psychoanalysts. Whether it be to see a subjects as simple as the conscious take over a character, or a character’s surroundings corrupting its victims, Dracula intrigues in more ways than just its vampiristic features. The following is a psychoanalytic study with a focus on vampirism imitating sexual practice and drug usage todayRead MoreAn Analysis of Bram Stokers Dracula885 Words   |  4 PagesBram Stoker’s Dracula is the story about how the small company of men and a woman lead by Professor Abraham Van Helsing combats against Count Dracula, who moves from Transylvania to England in order to manipulate people as â€Å"foul things of the night like him, without heart or conscience, preying on the bodies and the souls of those [they] love best† (223). Stoker employs an epistolary format in this novel and nowadays, Dracula becomes one of popular litera ry works representing epistolary novels writtenRead MoreAnalysis of Bram Stokers Dracula672 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿DRACULA BY BRAM STOKER The epistolary form of the novel consists of a narrative based on letters, diary entries, newspaper clippings and other documentary records. It helps to bring realism into the narrative by lacing it with personal and historical references. It helps to add believability by incorporating a variety of perspectives on the events and characters in the novel. This form works for Dracula because the log of the ship captain and the diary entries of Jonathan Harker provide personalRead MoreDracula Seen in New Eyes760 Words   |  3 PagesDracula Seen in New Eyes Dracula by Bram Stoker which is written in the style of journal entries, newspaper clippings, and other forms of personal narratives from various characters, and their viewpoints of the peculiar events surrounding them. There are many interpretations of this novel, many different viewpoints on the themes of the novel. Carol Senf, wrote an essay called Dracula: The Unseen Face in the Mirror. In this interpretation, there are many different viewpoints and ideas about DraculaRead MoreDracula, By Bram Stoker1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe story of Dracula is well documented and has stood the test of time since it’s Victorian age creation. More times than not, literature writings are a reflection of the era from which they are produced. In the case of Dracula, Vampire literature expresses the fears of a society. Which leads me to the topic I chose to review: sexuality. The Victorian Era was viewed as a period diluted in intense sexual repression and I believe that Dracula effectivel y exploited this as the fear of sexuality wasRead MoreA Vampire’s Touch: Exploring Sexual Nature in Dracula926 Words   |  4 Pagesthe ancient ladies’ room† (416). Yu and Kuzmanovic clearly show that Jonathan is like any typical man fighting to control his sexual desires. Thus, the majority of men can relate to what Jonathan is experiencing. In the midst of his stay at Castle Dracula, Jonathan discovers Catholicism’s power to control his sexual desires. At the beginning of the novel, Jonathan has absolutely no association with Catholic practices. When the old woman first offers him the crucifix he â€Å"did not know what to do †¦ asRead MoreDracula Extension Speech1098 Words   |  5 PagesFrom the ability to change physical form to a blood-thirsty nature society has always been morbidly fascinated with the concept of Dracula. It has not only seduced literature such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula but also infected mainstream music and film industries. Many composers have expanded and appropriated much of the vampire genre such as Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula and Slayer’s Bloodline. The ideas surrounding vampires has been of good versus evil, the nature of religion and immortality. 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Dracula is a character that, though it may be long gone, was once human, and thus has m any human emotions and motives still within him. Let us delve into these emotions of a historicallyRead MoreFilm Adaptation Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1320 Words   |  6 PagesBram Stoker’s frightening tale of Count Dracula has struck horror into the hearts of many since it was originally penned. In 1987, Bram Stoker wrote the revolutionary tale Dracula that played off the fears of the people of the era. The plot and characters that make the novel great also translate nearly perfectly to cinematic adaptations. Starting in the early 1900’s, directors have done their best to portray the terror that the original novel inspired. Francis Ford Coppola’s Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Movie Overview Girl, Interrupted Essay Example For Students

Movie Overview Girl, Interrupted Essay The purpose the publisher made this movie was because she wanted to recap on her life when she was put into a mental hospital. The â€Å"Girls Interrupted† by Susanna Kaysen was based on a true story about a girl who agrees to go to a hospital called McLean in Massachusetts. She voluntarily agreed to stay for two weeks but eventually ended up staying for about two years. The reason she was put into the institution in the first place was because she tried to commit suicide by overdosing on Aspirins in high school. As well as being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. She learns about herself that she is unhappy and not fond of herself. As her time in the hospital she met a woman named Lisa, throughout the movie she was mainly the leader to the other entire girls. Lisa was diagnosed with as a sociopath and she was proud of that. She was pretty spontaneous and unpredictable. Throughout the movie she was the type to throw random tantrums and helped the other girls to plan escapes. She didn’t really like authority. Lastly Georgina was Susanna’s roommate she was always depressed. She never really had a reaction to anything she would always be so cool calm and collective. In the movie they say she really wasn’t diagnosed with anything. Once Susanna felt comfortable and â€Å"at home† she finally began looking for a job outside of the hospital while doing that she wondered to what degree sexism and psychiatric fads influence the diagnoses. Later on in the movie Susanna came back to visit Mclean she came to see Georgina she was married. She also had seen Lisa, Lisa had a young child and she moved to the suburb. As Psychology expands till this day, it’s become more specific and detailed. Psychology is relevant to Girl Interrupted because it deals with identity and another where many patients were being diagnosed with a disorder. This movie goes under psychological harassment and mind manipulation, mood disorders, and as well as personality disorders. Psychology harassment can also be referred to as emotional abuse or mental abuse. This leads to behavior problems and may result in psychological trauma. The scene when daisy committed suicide to me shows mind manipulation she listened and believe everything Lisa had to say. Lisa got into Daisy head and Daisy just feeding into Lisa’s and doing everything she says that ended up to death. My other theory was personality disorder; I believe Gerogina is diagnosed with this. A pathological liar is someone who can’t help but lie constantly She was Susanna’s roommate she’s always depressed and unhappy basically emotionless. In the scene when Kaysen pours hot caramel on Georgina and she has/ shows no reaction. I feel she has a compulsive lying disorder as well because she has a habit of lying. In the film she said â€Å"oh my dad is an FBI agent† when he really wasn’t. She didn’t really have a major role in the movie besides that. Towards the end she proved my theory to be correct that that’s what she has to begin with. At the end of the movie, Susanna herself says that she is not sure whether she truly needed to go through what she did, how (or whether) she was sick, and what she needed to get better Kaysen believed diagnoses are often attributable to trends. She felt that every decade sees a popular diagnosis come and go. Through the beginning of the movie Susanna show us cuts on her arm that is a sign that she was feeling emptiness and boredom. .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d , .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .postImageUrl , .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d , .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d:hover , .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d:visited , .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d:active { border:0!important; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d:active , .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u405842750c96c00198d88719f29fc13d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Movie Summary - Do the Right Thing EssayShe told the therapist she didn’t want to end up like her she didn’t want to go to college but that she wanted to pursue her career in journalism. In conclusion the movie â€Å"Girl Interrupted† was a good movie, especially to compare with psychology. It showed me much different diagnosis and what other kinds of disorders there is out there. As well as the term â€Å"normal† really can’t be defined. Normal is based on trends that are presented to you in that present day and moment. All the theories that I came up with seemed to correct and true. Bibliography: Dean, Michelle. Woman, Interrupted: A Great Almost-Novel From Susanna Kaysen. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. Borderline Girlhoods: Mental Illness, Adolescence, and Femininity in Girl, Interrupted.Borderline Girlhoods: Mental Illness, Adolescence, and Femininity in Girl, Interrupted. Web. 29 Oct. 2002. Girl interrupted. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2004, from Thoughts That Spin. (2005, January 15). Retrieved from